Fedora 18 and UEFI

Dave Ihnat dihnat at dminet.com
Sat Jul 7 14:34:21 UTC 2012

Once, long ago--actually, on Sat, Jul 07, 2012 at 03:21:09PM +0200--Reindl Harald (h.reindl at thelounge.net) said:
> the whole "secure boot" idea is crap

Hmm...no, it's not.  It's crap *as implemented*.

Want a not-crap implementation?

  o Firmware ships with a non-MS form of UEFI.

  o You install your OS-of-choice; at this point in time, you know it's
    clean & safe.

  o Run a utility to generate a key that gets installed in the UEFI
    firmware.  Preferably, this utility would know or be told what
	components in the OS, drivers, etc. should be considered when
	generating the key.

  o Disable the UEFI update.  Ideally, this would be an actual hardware
    switch--something that CAN'T be suborned in software or firmware.

  o Whenever you update your OS, drivers, or other components that are
    considered by the UEFI boot, turn off the switch and re-run the keygen

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