Fedora 18 and UEFI onlist

Eddie G.O'Connor Jr-I eoconnor25 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 20:22:47 UTC 2012

Upon looking back to when I first started finding an interest in Linux, 
the biggest "problem" I had?......was deciding WHICH distro to install! 
There were TONS of them!....from the Debian & Debian-based, to the Gnome 
styles, to the KDE's....LXDE's....LXFCE etc. I finally figured out that 
KDE was too "advanced" for me, and that Gnome suited me fine. I think 
that the Cloud technology that has recently emerged is prompting 
Microsoft to make these moves, it's sort of "forcing their hand" if they 
don't get a handle on the Linux community NOW....then how could they 
POSSIBLY expect to control them out in the cloud? There'd be developers 
depositing code out there where ANYONE could get it and do with it as 
they please...and M$ would lose billions of potential revenue from 
charging for the access to that said code. I guess from M$'s POV it 
makes sense to attak it now, before it can get any worse, although 
looking at it from a Linux disciple, it's ALREADY a globally used and 
acknowledged OS....so I don't see HOW it could get any worse for 
M$!.....In the end it's like that old adage says: "Necessity Is The 
Mother Of Invention"....what will become necessary for Linux to continue 
to thrive will be "invented" by those who can......and this in turn will 
benefit those of us who cannot! I for one am glad I discovered Linux, 
and plan on using it until I can't use it any more!.....LoL!


On 07/08/2012 05:28 AM, Roger wrote:
> On 08/07/12 19:09, Heinz Diehl wrote:
>> On 08.07.2012, Roger wrote:
>>> Microsoft caused Linux to happen.
>> Linus Torvalds caused Linux to happen, as a hobby and being
>> disappointed with minix..
> Although, I reckon what came as a result of Linus Torvalds work 
> happened through devs getting together which may or may not be have 
> been because of minix but possibly through dissatisfaction with 
> available operating systems. Either way, we have Linux and that is good.

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