Matching message headers in mutt hooks

Heinz Diehl htd at
Mon Jul 9 10:40:24 UTC 2012

On 09.07.2012, Suvayu Ali wrote: 

> How does one handle attachments? I saw the pipe command and tried to
> pipe a pdf file to Evince, but it didn't seem to work as I had expected.
> Do I need an old school viewer like gv for this to work?

Press "v" and save your attachments on disk. Then you can open it
there. That's how I do it. Take a look into /etc/mailcap if you'd like
to interconnect attachments / files with external viewers / programs.

> I get a lot of
> pdf/ps/eps/png attachments, so this is crucial need for me.

man mailcap

> I'm also noticing significant delays in opening large mailboxes (>30,000
> messages) over IMAP (despite header and body caching). I understand the
> better way to deal with this would be to have a local IMAP server which
> syncs with my email provide? 

Yes, that could help.

> Does any one have any recommendations for a
> very light weight IMAP server (I'm on a laptop)?

Dovecot. It runs smoothly on a standard laptop.

If you like to fiddle a little bit, I would strongly recommend Mew as
an IMAP-mailreader, especially if you already are comfortable with

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