
Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Mon Jul 9 08:28:56 UTC 2012

Am 09.07.2012 10:23, schrieb Ed Greshko:
> Port 587 and AUTH are 2 different things....
> Port 587 is SMTP or ESMTP over SSL.  The connection is secured by SSL in the same
> manner as HTTPS.  HTTP uses port 80 while HTTPS uses 443.  But the underlying
> protocol is the same.  Same goes here

Port 587 has NOTHING to do with SSL

Port 587 is per definition SMTP for submission
there is no spec that it has to support SSL

as long you do not configure "smtpd_use_tls" in postfix
there is no SSL support, there CAN NOT be SSL/TLS support
in any magic way because you need certificates which
has to be configured

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