is this still true in F16?

Phil Meyer pmeyer at
Fri Jul 13 21:21:42 UTC 2012

On 07/13/2012 02:21 PM, Jack Craig wrote:
>           Hi Folks,
> I am setting up KVM on F16 with an XP guest.
>           reading,
> i find, ...
>           Disabling NetworkManager
>           As of the time of writing (Fedora 12), NetworkManager still
>           does not support bridging,
> is this still so? Thx, ...

Yes, unfortunately.

It is possible for the 'network' service and the 'NetworkManager' 
service to co-exist, but every update is hit and miss.

On my performance laptop I use a bridge for eth0 so that when I am at my 
desk working KVM works well.  I also allow NetworkManager to control the 
wireless card so when I am traveling and not working on VMs, the 
wireless works like it should.

In the config files for the bridge and wired ethernet, I use 
NM_CONTROLLED="no" to prevent NetworkManager from messing with them.

However, a recent update broke it again so I am upgrading to F17 today 
to test this issue (and others).

Good Luck!

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