Is Gnome becoming a Microsoft project?

Veeti Paananen veeti.paananen at
Thu Jul 19 23:36:01 UTC 2012

On 07/04/2012 09:06 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Mateusz Marzantowicz
> <mmarzantowicz at> wrote:
>> Java? This fat and ugly pig? Must be a joke. Gnome should focus on C/C++
>> with Vala and Python as supporting languages.
> Yeah, such a fat and ugly pig that great software like VOIP app Jitsi
> ( uses it, Vuze P2P uses it, Jdownloader uses it, like
> Art of Illusion 3D renderer and Sweet Home 3D uses it
> With OpenJDK7 being GPL and ubiquitous on Linux distros, it's hard to
> make a case for NOT using it, specially when non-Java languages can
> use it (Jython, JRuby, xRuby, NetRexx, Jabaco...).
> If you speak out of ignorance and prejudice, it can also be said that
> C/C++ brought us pigs like KDE 4.x which can use up to 500 MB of ram.

Speaking of RAM, I try to avoid Java-based desktop applications like the
plague because almost every single one of them seems to hog up a minimum
of 100MB (and usually more) of RAM immediately.

Out of curiosity, I tried installing one of the examples you mentioned
and Vuze gobbled up 160 megabytes instantly which is completely
unacceptable for a torrent client.

That might not sound like a lot nowadays, but it adds up surprisingly
quickly with "just" 4 gigabytes of memory.

(In addition, most Java apps insist on using hideous UI toolkits like
Swing instead of Qt or SWT.)

Veeti P. - not a fan of the language either

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