Strange application lockups

Emmett Culley emmett at
Fri Jul 20 16:14:38 UTC 2012

Mine is a 64bit system and virtually all KDE packages are installed.  It has been happening since soon after installing (fresh) Fedora 17.

Like Don noted, when this is happening I have no problem switching between desktops, so plasma isn't the culprit, it seems.  Because I always see abrt-applet using lots of CPU cycles upon switching desktops to a "locked" app, I have been assuming it was related to a null pointer error in the kernel that was supposed to be fixed in 3.4.5-2 (BZ 838730).  Installing the kernel last night did not fix it.


On 07/20/2012 06:45 AM, Mark C. Allman wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 08:42 -0400, Don Levey wrote:
>> On 7/20/2012 01:12, Emmett Culley wrote:
>> ...
>>> My system is running KDE and is fully updated (30 minutes ago) via the
>>> default repositories.
>>> Is any body else seeing this?
>> I have a similar, but perhaps more drastic, problem.
>> When I run KDE, *everything* will lock up after some undetermined amount
>> of time.  When I move the mouse the cursor moves on the screen, but
>> nothing updates.  I can't switch to another window or desktop; for all
>> intents and purposes the KDE session is dead.  To be honest, I can't
>> remember if the command line is accessible via telnet or ssh from
>> another machine, but I'm sure I could find out tonight.  This doesn't
>> happen at all in LXDE, which is what I tend to run to avoid these problems.
>> Likewise I am fully updated, but not only using default but also
>> RPMfusion repositories.
>>   -Don
> A few questions:
> 1.  32-bit or 64-bit for the different boxes?
> 2.  Is this a recent problem, i.e., did the problem just start
>      happening after an update?
> I'm running several boxes using KDE with kernel 3.4.4-5.fc17.x86_64 that
> were updated to the latest <everything> last weekend. I don't see any
> issues and their uptime ranges from 2 to 5 days.  I don't have "desktop
> effects" enabled.
> For reference here's a short list of a few of the KDE packages I have
> installed:
>    kde-baseapps-4.8.4-1.fc17.x86_64
>    kdelibs-common-4.8.4-5.fc17.x86_64
>    kdepim-4.8.4-2.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-settings-4.8-16.fc17.noarch
>    kdegraphics-4.8.4-1.fc17.noarch
>    kde-wallpapers-4.8.4-1.fc17.noarch
>    kdepim-runtime-4.8.4-1.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-runtime-4.8.4-2.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-workspace-4.8.4-1.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-filesystem-4-39.fc17.x86_64
>    kdenetwork-4.8.4-1.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-settings-kdm-4.8-16.fc17.noarch
>    kdesdk-common-4.8.4-1.fc17.noarch
>    kde-runtime-libs-4.8.4-2.fc17.x86_64
>    kde-workspace-libs-4.8.4-1.fc17.x86_64
>    kdelibs-4.8.4-5.fc17.x86_64
>    kdeutils-4.8.4-1.fc17.noarch
>    kdegraphics-libs-4.8.4-1.fc17.noarch
>    kdepim-libs-4.8.4-2.fc17.x86_64

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