HP-P1006 Laser Printer -

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Tue Jul 24 20:10:37 UTC 2012

On 24/07/12 15:47, Geoffrey Leach types:
> Try blacklisting the uss720 driver in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

    I've given up on this for the now. The printer is my daughter's and
    normally connects to her Mac desktop. I really have no need to use
    it however normally it easier to test things from my Linux systems
    than to mess with her Apple equipment for several reasons not the
    least being I'm not very experienced with the Mac, I just sort of
    stumble around ...

    I wanted to test a Netgear/dd-wrt router set up as an Ethernet
    bridge to connect the printer to our LAN. She's moved her printers
    into a cabinet away from her computer and running cables in any
    permanent manner is inconvenient if not impossible. The Ethernet
    bridge worked well but it still requires a USB "Printer Server" of
    some sort. I had an old D Link that I use on a printer here with my
    equipment. That enables the system to see the P1006 printer but I
    never did get the required software installed.

    I've ordered a wireless usb printer server which will simplify
    things and then we will have to try again with the installation from
    her Apple computer, she must have an installation CD for it. For the
    present I've pushed the problem aside. I will have to face it again
    later and the comments here may help.





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