Systemctl hates mysqld: refuses to start Fedora 16 (LONG)

Neil Bird neil at
Wed Jul 25 14:13:43 UTC 2012

Around about 02/07/12 14:55, R. G. Newbury typed ...
>    Systemctl on fedora 16 will NOT start mysqld.

   Bit behind, dunno if you've come to a conclusion yourself ...

   I've not had to do this myself, so I don't know how well, if at all, 
it'll work.  I would try:

strace -f -p PidOfSystemd -efile

   .. in one window to see what file ops. are *actually* occurring, and what 
error codes are *actually* coming back.

   Then try the systemctl command in another to start it.  This presumes one 
systemd process is running the show and actually trying to perform the 
start.  It also presumes you can see the signal through the noise:  as I 
say, I've not had to strace systemd yet, so I know know what sort of spew 
you get when the mentioned file is accessed.  It may be a red-herring error 
message falling out of another failure.

[neil at fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil at fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil at fnx ~]# exit

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