remake /dev

Patrick Dupre pdupre at
Sat Jul 28 11:34:55 UTC 2012

On 2012-07-28 13:26, Joachim Backes wrote:
> On 07/28/2012 12:27 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How can I remake the /dev ?
>> Thank.
> Hi Patrick,
> in earlier times this could be achieved by the script /dev/MAKEDEV, 
> but
> it is missing nowadays.

I still have a MAKEDEV, but I do know how to set the device.
/sbin/MAKEDEV  [  -d directory ] [ -D directory ] [ -c configdir ] [ -m
        maxdevices ] [-a] [-n] [-v] [-i] [-M] [-S] [-u] [-x]  device ..
               [b|c] mode owner group major minor inc count fmt [base]
               count  devices will be created, with permissions set to 
mode and
               owned by owner and group.  The first device will be  
named  fmt,
               and  additional  devices will be created if count is 
larger than
               1.  If fmt contains a C-style  formatting  string,  it  
will  be
               filled  with  the sum of base and zero.  Subsequent 
devices will
               be filled with the sum of base and n * inc, where n is 
the order
               this  device  is being created in.  If the format string 
did not
               already include a format specifier, a "%d" will 
automatically be
               appended to it to make this work.

> I think, *"man udev"* could be helpful for you.
> Kind regards
> Joachim

  Patrick DUPRÉ                |   |  email: pdupre at

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