installation fails

Heinz Diehl htd at
Sun Jul 29 12:33:22 UTC 2012

On 29.07.2012, Michael Schwendt wrote: 

> Would be easy to submit a bug report or RFE.

Jepp, I'll do.
> There's one bug report already that complains about a missing Estimated
> Time value, but I could not find a ticket specifically covering the final
> Verification step of all installed packages.
> The progress bar calculation would need to become very elegant

I think a progress bar or otherwise increasing counter isn't necessary
at all. It would be sufficient if the user would be informed:

"Now the istalled packets will be verified. Depending on your installation, this
can take from a few minutes up to half an hour. Please stand by."

That's all it needs, telling the user that it's ok if the system
doesn't "do anything" for a longer time.

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