Fedora 16

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Sun Jul 29 14:03:13 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 19:20:02 +0530,
   Prashanth Kasula <prashanthkasula at gmail.com> wrote:
>how to create partition manually
>for ex: there is a 1 TB H.D.D  how to do the partitions.

If the full disk is going to be used for a single linux distro, just let 
the installer do it.

If you think you know better than the installer, you can choose to do a 
custom layout when doing the install.

If you really want to do the patitioning outside of the installer, than 
fdisk is one tool you might use (possibly while running a live image). I 
would recommend against that based on the questions you have been asking 
so far.

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