thinking about new laptop

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Mon Jun 11 11:34:41 UTC 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at [mailto:users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Neal Becker
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 1:03 PM
To: users at
Subject: thinking about new laptop

Currently have hp dv9000 17" used as desktop replacement.  I'm thinking about 
buying something new (not hp this time).  Should I worry about linux 
compatibility, or are those issues pretty much resolved now?

I guess graphics chipset is the biggest issue.  I don't expect to need 3D 
performance, but want decent 2D.

Any suggestions?
-----Original Message-----
How about  dell?
If you need to carry it around a lot an xps13: weighs about 1.3 Kg.
And if you need more power, the xps14 has an intel-I7 and 8GB
Both with Intel-video card so I wouldn't expect (nouveau-related) problems....


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