Fedora 17

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Mon Jun 18 00:04:05 UTC 2012

On 06/18/2012 07:52 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I've seen a lot of complaints about Gnome 3.
> I don't recall seeing anything about Fedora 17.
> Why don't you tell me your worst problem with F-17,
> so I can judge how much to worry about it?

I don't know to who you are addressing your question.  However, I believe you should
be asking it of the OP since I (and I think Frank feels the same) see no value in
generating yet another thread discussing problems which already have their own threads.

My point is, and has been, the OP needs to take all the information taken in from
this list and elsewhere(?) and make the decision for himself.

You also have see/read all others have said.  You too can decide what to worry about
and what not to worry about.

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of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage

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