An apology is required from me

Roger arelem at
Fri Jun 22 04:36:32 UTC 2012

Then you should also apologize a second time for making unnecessary 
disparaging remarks about Gnome-3.4.
>> Necessity and accuracy are largely orthogonal, and the fact that his 
>> disparagement was unnecessary didn't render it inaccurate.
>>> This Gnome bashing is becoming extremely tiresome.
>> Your fatigue would largely have been avoided had the Gnome developers 
>>  proceeded differently.  So perhaps you should complain to them. ;-)
> +1
I am grateful that there is no serious problem with Linux in this 
thread. Interesting that the conversation revolves around "Do what I say".
As I understand it to date the devs say:
"Go away", rightly so,
and "Put up or shut up", again rightly so.
$boring = 10;
$Interesting = 0;
if ($boring =>1) stop; fi
if($interesting=<0) stop; fi

Forgive my coding errors

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