Problem with su -

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Tue Mar 6 06:09:34 UTC 2012

On 03/06/2012 09:26 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>        Why didn't I think of that? Because I'm trying to do too many
>        things at once, distractions here.
>        "Bad" computer, "Good" prompt as user:
>        [bobg at box9 ~]$ set | grep ^PS
>        PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
>        PS2='> '
>        PS4='+ '
>        Bad prompt as root:
>        [bobg at box9 ~]$ su
>        Password:
>        bash-4.2# set | grep ^PS
>        PS1='\s-\v\$ '
>        PS2='> '
>        PS4='+ '
>        It is different but where does it come from? 

The first question I would ask is do you have a .bash_profile or .bashrc
file in root's home directory that has been modified?

Also, have you done anything to /etc/bashrc ?   I'm fairly certain that
is where the change from PS1='\s-\v\$ '  to PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ ' should
take place.  I wonder if it is even being sourced, based on the manner
of other problems you've been reporting as of late.

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