Change F16 Log-in screen? -

James Wilkinson fedora at
Wed Mar 14 21:23:11 UTC 2012

Bob Goodwin wrote:
>        Can the log-in screen background be changed to be blank, plain
>        blue perhaps and how to do so?

Usual question – are you using Gnome or something else? Are you using
GDM to login?

If so, I’ve got a file called /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-local-settings
containing these lines:


You may need to create this file and the parent directory, and you may
need to run
dconf update
as root, and obviously change the file:///… bit to a real picture.

There’s a GUI program called dconf-editor which allows you to edit dconf
settings. In particular, you can browse to org/gnome/desktop/background
to see what the options are. It looks like something like this might do
you (untested!)


At any rate, there’s something for you to play with…

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | “Drums must never stop. Very bad if drums stop.” | “Why? What will happen if the drums ever stop?”
                   | “Bass solo.”

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