Verify Burned CD\DVD?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Sat Mar 17 01:18:37 UTC 2012

Frank Murphy wrote:
> Thought it was isomd5sum /pathto/mounted/dvd
> But no such thing as isomd5sum

Having not saved the md5sum to the image before burning you now have to 
limit your check to checking against the image file, or checking all the 
files for md5sum. For files you can do something like:

cd {my_image_base_dir}
find . -type f -exec md5sum "{}" \; |
(cd {mounted_cd_you_burned} && md5sum -c - | tee ful_list.md5 |
grep -v OK)

That will print anything other than OK message.

Note: I typed this in, read what you type!
Bill Davidsen  <davidsen at>
     CTO TMR Associates Inc
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brought on by increasing separation between reality and beliefs among
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