.bash_history in F15/16 randomly truncated/incomplete/damaged

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at hanzlici.cz
Sat Mar 24 09:46:01 UTC 2012

I'm accustomed have longer bash history - usually my HISTSIZE=10000.
Never from Redhat 4 epoch was problems with this, but now at F15 and
F16 I in several cases I found weirdness, when my commands are
missing in history, in one case I had .bash_history completely empty.

IMO it is problem in newer bash versions, but yet more I suspect when
it may be any cripled systemd behavior at init 0/6 (sorry, i want
say poweroff.target/reboot.target ;), whether systemd (in order to
halt/reboot computer several microseconds faster) kill bash before
it is able save their stuff.

Have You met someone with this problem?
Any idea how diagnose it?

Thanks, Franta

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