Readlink: permission denied

JD jd1008 at
Thu May 24 03:22:41 UTC 2012

On 05/23/2012 07:51 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> The /proc file system is not a real file system.  It is a "pseudo-file system", see
> "man proc".  AFAIK, it is under the control of the kernel and doesn't or may not act
> as one may expect.
> I'm not into kernel development.  So, the what is and wherefores are outside of my
> pay grade.  I just accept that "this is the way things work" in this case.
So, the /proc file system allocates resources to a process
without the process' request. I have not studied the /proc file
system - guess it's time I boned up on it.
Not sure if it will remain part of the kernel for much longer though :)

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