Solution to RAID /boot issue in fc17?

Gilboa Davara gilboad at
Wed May 30 08:32:28 UTC 2012

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Alex <mysqlstudent at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe the ability to have /boot on RAID was removed in fc15 so in
> fc16, /boot was a single partition, like /dev/sda1. I recently had my
> primary disk fail on one of my systems, and recovering with a failed
> sda was very difficult.

Given that I have at least 4 machines w/ /boot on (software) RAID1
(and LVM on software RAID5), that's news to me.
BTW, all of these machines ran F15 without issues before being moved to F16.

> Has this issue been fixed in fc17? Is it now possible install RAID on
> /boot so there are multiple disks that can be used to read the boot
> information?
> I still don't understand why LVM is the default layout method when
> there is no redundancy. I also choose to create my own filesystem
> layout, as tedious as it has become.

Again, LVM over RAID1/5/6 is *fully* supported under F15 and F16, at
least in my case.

- Gilboa

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