How to tell when a file is read from disk or cache?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sat Nov 17 17:24:16 UTC 2012

Am 17.11.2012 18:20, schrieb Reindl Harald:
> Am 17.11.2012 17:15, schrieb Philip Rhoades:
>> Is there some way of doing this? - even for a simple situation like opening a text file in Vim?
> no and this is good as it is
> the usespace must not bother over what VFS does
> you do not need to know this because it is transparent

i missed to mention that there in fact is no "FILE read from disk or cache"
the VFS cache is NOT file based, so it can be both depending on the
file size and when it or parts of it was loaded before

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