NetworkManager-resolv.conf -

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at
Sun Nov 18 10:09:27 UTC 2012

On 18/11/12 02:19, Tim wrote:
> Seemingly network-related prolonged bootup times could be down to
> several issues.  Just to mention some of them:
> Name resolution - something is trying to resolve a name (e.g. the
> machine's own hostname), but can't because name resolution isn't
> working, or the network isn't up for it to access the name server.
> Or, for systems where the name resolution will be done on the same
> machine, the network isn't up, yet, and things are waiting for the
> network to come up before they start working, even if they don't need to
> make external access.  They're just waiting for the network to come up.
> And those waiting things hold up the boot process.

    It turned out that this was an unwarranted fear, the slower computer
    still boots in 46 seconds this morning after modifications to
    eliminate NetworkManager, while this one unmodified, comes up a
    little faster.

    In retrospect, the worst problems I had with boot times occurred
    after changes to permit booting with "startxfce4" instead of the
    graphic boot. I gave up trying to change that as the path of least
    resistance. I can put up with that useless [to me] feature.

    As for the result of my effort I think I prefer operation with
    NetworkManager for the convenience of control it provides. I would
    like to be able to setup /etc/resolv.conf as I want it including the
    the line for options "options timeout:1 attempts:1. That can be
    dealt with using "chattr +i." I will probably leave NM in place with
    the next Fedora installation.



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