NFS4 permissions problem -

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Tue Nov 27 21:25:29 UTC 2012

On 11/28/2012 05:01 AM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
>    On the server:
>        [bobg at box8 ~]$ ll /nfs4exports/data
>        total 12
>        drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 4096 Nov 27 12:56 notecase
>        drwxrwxr-x. 2 1000 1000 4096 Nov 27 12:52 oocalc
>        drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 4096 Nov 27 11:27 rem
>    The same directory from box7:
>        [root at box7 ~]# ll /mnt/SRVR1/notecase/
>        total 1032
>        -rwxr--r--. 1 root root     297 Nov 27 12:56 notecase.key
>        -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1052610 Nov 27 12:56 stuff.ncd
>    As a result [?] I can't write to the server
>        [root at box7 ~]# cp -r /home/bobg/BkU/notecase/stuff.ncd        /mnt/SRVR1/notecase/
>        cp: overwrite `/mnt/SRVR1/notecase/stuff.ncd'? y
>        cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/SRVR1/notecase/stuff.ncd':
>        Permission denied
>     From box7 /etc/fstab - Two servers, BOX48 on the second line works,
> is read only:
>   /mnt/SRVR1 nfs4          defaults,rw,user 0 0
>                       /mnt/BOX48 nfs4          defaults,rw,user 0 0
>    I set up both of these recently, the first one just worked, I've
>    been pulling my hair out on this one!
>    Any suggestions welcome,

Seems right to me.  Only up for a few minutes at 05:15 to give a cat water......

Normally root access is not "allowed" across NFS mounts.  You're logged in as root on the client.  I've not done this in a while so you'll have to check.....

On the server side you probably have root_squash specified in the exports file.  I think that needs to be changed to no_root_squash.  You have to unmount the file system on the client side, re-export the files system on the server side, and then remount on the client side.

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