Multi-Threaded make

Cameron Simpson cs at
Thu Nov 29 03:21:40 UTC 2012

On 28Nov2012 15:37, JD <jd1008 at> wrote:
| While building the kernel from source RPM, I run
| the command ps -ef | grep make in another terminal,
| and I do see that 4 make processes are running, with
| each one building objects for a different kernel source
| directory.
| However, something else seems to be single threaded
| which is causing the huge delay in finishing kernel build.
| I found that when I run top to see the upper-most
| cpu consumers, I see only one cc1 process at the top.
| So I ran ps again to see how many cc1 processes there
| are.
| Always - just one cc1 process.
| I would expect to see anywhere from 1 to 4 cc1 processes
| at a time. But that is not the case.
| What is forcing only a single instance of cc1 at a time?

Is make running with the "-j 4" (or whatever value) option?
Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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