Disabling NetworkManager

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 21:27:29 UTC 2012

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012 15:07:02 -0500 Alex <mysqlstudent at gmail.com> wrote:
> How do I properly disable NetworkManager so applications don't think
> my wired network is offline?

First, do a

  systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
  systemctl mask NetworkManager.service

Get well informed about the mask command in "man systemctl".

Then, configure properly the wired network interface to use the old
network service (most notably, pay attention to "NM_CONTROLLED" keyword
in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<yourwiredinterface>).

Finally, when everything is set up properly, do a

  systemctl enable network.service
  systemctl restart network.service

or do a "start" instead of "restart" if it is not active already.

> My network is then functional, but Evolution and sometimes Firefox
> complain the network is stopped yet still enabled. If I disable it
> with systemctl entirely, Xorg crashes with the following:

What do you mean by "entirely"? How exactly did you disable it?

> Any ideas of how to properly disable NetworkManager so applications
> don't stop working?

All apps should work, regardless of NM or network.service being active,
as long as everything is configured so that the latter two don't clash
into each other. If Xorg or other things crash, it's a separate issue.
For one thing, Xorg should be operational for an offline machine as
well as an online one (although maybe it requires the loopback
interface to be active, I'm not sure).

Make sure that NM is masked and network.service is correctly configured
and operational. After that, report separately any issues that you might
have with other apps.

HTH, :-)

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