why is a .txt file being run as a php script?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Oct 8 18:14:21 UTC 2012

Am 08.10.2012 20:08, schrieb Tom Horsley:
> On my local system I have apache running so I can test web pages
> before I upload them to my ISP.
> I have a sample .php script which I explicitly named with
> a .php.txt suffix so it would be treated as a plain text
> file, not a php script.
> Yet apache is clearly running the php script rather than just
> uploading the plain text copy of the script when I click
> on the link to the .php.txt file

this is widely known and caused by the "MultiViews" option
and can also lead to execute PHP if images conatin code
and saved with .php.gif

Options -MultiViews

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