utf-7 encoding (Re: Howto: 32 bit skype, working with a webcam, on 64 bit Fedora 17)

Ian Malone ibmalone at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 10:11:06 UTC 2012

On 23 October 2012 09:27, Tim <ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> To re-write the instructions, which I'm sure were from another message
> thread, the line being added to the GRUB file should be two words
> separated by an underscore, equals, eight-hundred by six-hundred:
>   GRUB_GFXMODE=800x600
> The UTF-7 encoding seemed to be encoding the underscore, and the equals
> signs.  Which seems peculiar characters to have to encode, rather than
> send as-is, because they're part of 7-bit US-ASCII.

In brief, UTF-7 attempts to represent unicode in a 7bit character set,
this means some characters from a 7bit set need to be used for control
sequences and have to be encoded. In practice only "+" really has to
be, but all the 'optional direct characters' might be, see
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-7>. Contrast UTF-8 where all
low-byte characters are 'un-encoded' and only high byte characters are
used in the multi-byte codes.

> Anyway, after all this hijacking of my original message, had anybody
> else tried what I did to make Skype work?  Not needed to?  Had a
> different experience?

Haven't used it in a while, will investigate later.


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