Linux uncrackable...?

Peter Gordon peter at
Tue Sep 4 23:10:11 UTC 2012

On 09/03/2012 03:26 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> the point i was making is that all the security updates are after the fact

I don't understand what you're getting at, here. Fixing a security hole
before you even know that security hole is there is not possible. The
best we can do is contain such security issues, and prevent them from
escalating into something that harms more than just that particular

And this is exactly what features like SELinux, user privilege
separation, and NX protection are for: to minimize and contain any
potential intrusion damage.

Reindl, could you please rephrase or explain what you were trying to
say? Maybe I'm misinterpreting... Thanks.

Peter Gordon (codergeek42) <peter at>
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