Yum cache memory space -

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Wed Sep 5 19:44:27 UTC 2012

On 05/09/12 13:56, Michael Cronenworth responds:
> Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
>>     Perhaps I should have allocated space differently?
> Yes. It makes little sense to set hard partitions on root folders on a
> desktop system. Allow the Fedora installer to setup default partitions.
> There is little reason besides personal preference to choose a custom
> partitioning scheme for a desktop/laptop used by one person.

    Yes, I suppose you're right but I wanted to partition it myself
    instead of the usual lvm. I will live with my mistakes, hopefully
    get it right next time.

>>     Can I just clear /var/cache/yum/x86_64/17/updates/packages? I
>>     suspect that if I could it should happen without my help?
> # yum clean packages
> Please see:
> $ man yum
> For a full listing of yum commands. There are many.

    I tried several of the things shown under yum clean, packages was
    one of them, metadata another.

    I'm still struggling with error messages, probably created by my
    trying to stop yum early this morning when it did nothing but try
    new mirrors. I should have stuck with the CTRL+c longer. Pushing the
    reset button was not the thing to do, I knew that at the time but
    nothing worked.





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