mysqldump on Fedora 16 slightly OT

NOSpaze nospaze at
Sat Sep 8 07:22:12 UTC 2012

On Sat, 2012-09-08 at 15:53 +1000, Roger wrote:
> I got this command line from Google
> mysql mydb1 -u user -p password -e 'select tables like 
> "field_data_field%"'| xargs | mysqldump -u user -p password d7x 

I can't see the "select tables" command exists, although "tables" is a
table with all the tables list. Anyway, you can try something like this:

$ for table in $(mysql mydb1 -Bse 'show tables'); do mysqldump mydb1 $table>$table.sql; done

or using xargs,

$ mysql mydb1 -Bse 'show tables'|xargs -I TAB mysqldump mydb1 TAB -r TAB.sql

which produce both the same result.

Rodolfo Alcazar <nospaze at>

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