Adding fonts

Peter Gueckel pgueckel at
Sun Sep 9 04:39:09 UTC 2012

jonetsu wrote:

>   I'd like to know...

Do something like this to make the font available to all users on the system:

sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf
sudo cp -i HGRSKP.TTF /usr/share/fonts/ttf/hgrskp.ttf
sudo chown root.root /usr/share/fonts/ttf/hgrskp.ttf
sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/ttf/hgrskp.ttf
sudo ln -s /usr/share/X11/fonts/ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf

If only you will use it, then I believe you can simply put the font into:


KDE will do this for you, under systemsettings, font management, add... I think they 
should still be available under other window managers.

As for the exe files, if you have a dummy Windows system, you could extract them and 
then copy then to your Fedora system.

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