Fedora 16 to 17

Jeffrey Ross jeff at bubble.org
Mon Sep 17 20:39:36 UTC 2012

I'm about to take the plunge and upgrade, I've upgraded systems in the
past with varying degrees of initial success and eventually everything
works out ok.

My problem this time is I have 2 systems running F16 x86_64 the Systems
are almost identical and I know they will cause me some grief so I'm
looking for some suggestions.

System 1 -
/boot - md1 - sd[ab]1
/  - md127 - sd[ab]2
swap - md3 - sd[ab]3
/usr - md5 - sd[ab]5
/var - md6 - sd[ab]6
/home - md7 - sd[ab]7

System 2 -
/boot - md127 - sd[ab]1
/ - md2 - sd[ab]2
/var - md3 - sd[ab]3
swap - md5 - sd[ab]5
/home - md6 - sd[ab]6

System 1 is obviously going to give me issues due to the separate / and
/usr partitions, looking at the space available on root there maybe barely
enough to move /usr to the / partition, however there is room to move / to
the /usr partition.  How much sense does it make to move the partitions
(in single user mode) and if I move / to the existing /usr partition how
to I tell the kernel where the new / partition is during startup?

Next issue and it affects both systems is that /var is a separate
partition, I found on the release notes for upgrading via YUM that there
are some extra steps due to the separate partition.

Lastly is the raid1 setup also going to cause me grief?  if so any
suggestions on how to deal with it?

System 1 is all superblock 0.90 and System 2 is all superblock 1.2 except
boot which is 0.90

Thanks, Jeff

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