Looking for a way to get mp3s off an ipod

JD jd1008 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 03:22:50 UTC 2012

On 09/23/2012 09:10 PM, Thomas Cameron wrote:
> Howdy All -
> I have an old 80GB iPod that has a bunch of music on it that I'd like 
> to get off.
> I've tried to use gtkpod, but the stock export dumps everything into 
> one directory. That's not very useful.
> Does anyone know of a way to dump an iPod to my filesystem with the 
> format:
> /home/Music/ipod/[artist]/[album]/[track]
> Thanks!
> Thomas
I do  not have an ipod, so I have to ask some questions:

Is your ipod filesystem mounted on Linux when you plug your ipod into USB?

If yes, can you browse it from a a gnome terminal?

If yes, is your music already organized on the ipod as  .... 
/[artist]/[album]/[track] ?

If yes, then do as follows:

cd to your ipod's filesystem just above the ipod directory, so that
when you do ls, you should see the ipod directory.
Now all you do is

mkdir -p /home/Music
tar cf - ipod | tar -C /home/Music -xpf -

when done your music will be be organized as you require.

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