Looking for a way to get mp3s off an ipod

Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. eoconnor25 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 08:46:14 UTC 2012

On 09/24/2012 02:27 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Sunday, 23. September 2012. 21.22.50 JD wrote:
>> On 09/23/2012 09:10 PM, Thomas Cameron wrote:
>>> I have an old 80GB iPod that has a bunch of music on it that I'd like
>>> to get off.
> Good luck.
>>> I've tried to use gtkpod, but the stock export dumps everything into
>>> one directory. That's not very useful.
>>> Does anyone know of a way to dump an iPod to my filesystem with the
>>> format:
>>> /home/Music/ipod/[artist]/[album]/[track]
>> Is your ipod filesystem mounted on Linux when you plug your ipod into USB?
> No, generically it isn't. iPod (and iPhone, and I suspect other stuff from
> Apple) does not allow its filesystem to be visible via USB transparently. One
> has to use iTunes or gtkpod or some other program in order to communicate with
> the iPod.
> Furthermore, even if one manages to mount the iPod filesystem somehow (there
> are ways to do that, at least on a jailbroken iPod), it will not help the OP.
> Namely, the music files on the iPod filesystem itself are all dumped in one
> single big directory, while the artist/album/track structure is being
> maintained in a database.
> Thank Apple.
> The OP should probably use gtkpod to dump all the music files into a single
> directory onto the computer, then copy the appropriate database file from the
> iPod, open it and rename all files according to the database entries.
> I don't know if there are any tools that might automate that process. Windows
> and OSX users use iTunes to "synchronize music libraries" across various
> devices. Linux, however, does not seem to be supported by Apple...
> HTH, :-)
> Marko

"Linux, however, does not seem to be supported by Apple..."

Which is sad, you'd think they'd WANT to "play nice" with others in order to expand their market share and make the world a better place, but alas I guess when it's concerning Apple, it's all about Apple! But I'm not flaming, I happen to have an iPod Nano which I use to play music when I'm mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, shovelling the snow etc....


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