How do you keep contacts in Fedora/KDE?

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Mon Apr 1 14:05:52 UTC 2013

On Mon, 2013-04-01 at 14:59 +0200, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> As a matter of interest, how do those of you running Fedora/KDE
> keep your contacts?
> I have a rather messy combination of Google contacts, 
> KAddressBook and LDAP,
> but would like to organise something simpler.
> I suspect the simplest solution might be to go over entirely
> to Google contacts, as I want to keep my contacts in sync
> with my Android phone.
> But what do people running Fedora/KDE usually do?

Speaking only for myself, I just keep everything in Google Contacts (I
also have an Android phone).

Cue flame-war about evil intentions of Google, etc. ...


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