Dracut on reboot

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Apr 9 08:31:29 UTC 2013

Am 09.04.2013 10:14, schrieb Tim:
> Tim:
>>> The tilde refers to your homespace.  So, for whoever's logged on, a
>>> file path like this ~/example.text refers to an example.text file in
>>> the root of *their* homespace.
> Richard Vickery:
>> You have made my exact point in you're first two lines. who - or where
>> - is dracut's homespace.  On a  dracut boot, it doesn't appear that I
>> am logged it as my home user.
> Well, if you're logged in as the user that you're modifying, you don't
> even need to know.  Writing a ~/file puts the "file" where it needs to
> be.  *That* user's home space

and you even refuse to understand that the dracut shell may be
very special depending on why you landed there and maybe you
write tthe output to the temporary initramfs

PERIOD: you should ALWAYS know where you are save files and
not rely on wonders and magic which may surprise you

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