recoll and mime-text

poma pomidorabelisima at
Fri Apr 19 02:21:53 UTC 2013

On 19.04.2013 00:56, Dave Stevens wrote:
> I've taken the suggestion of poma from earlier to try recoll as a
> desktop search engine. It indexed everything nicely and is very quick. I
> can't seem to get attachments out of my retrieved emails.
> So the one I'm looking for right now has an attached .pdf, but the whole
> mail, headers and mime text and all, displays as ascii text.
> I can use recoll's 'open' command, which fires up thunderbird and shows
> the attachment with an automatically generated name (gibberish, more or
> less) but when I try to save then view the attachment gedit is showing
> me the ascii. I vaguely recall years ago having to manually detach
> mime-encoded text but don't remember details.

"Open" opens an attachments in the the default applications without any
problemos - of course in Xfce. ;)


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