Not reboot, X server shutdown :-(

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Sun Apr 21 13:54:20 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-04-21 at 08:06 -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
> I found my system with no GUI running again this
> morning, but took more time to poke around, and
> discovered that it had not rebooted, it had just
> shutdown the X server and the boot messages were
> on the screen from the last time I booted.
> The messages in the X log seemed to indicate it
> had been requested to shutdown - it ends with
> stuff about unloading evdev and other modules.
> I find nothing in any of the logs that indicate
> anything was happening, unless maybe logrotate
> has gotten carried away and is shutting down the
> X server so it can rotate the X log file (but
> it would happen every night I'd think in that
> case :-).
> I'm using the motherboard/cpu Intel graphics.
> Anyone seen anything like this before?

No idea, but I suggest you mention at least which version of the X
server and Intel drivers you have.


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