It's that time again

inode0 inode0 at
Thu Aug 1 22:14:29 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Tethys <tethys at> wrote:
> So here I am, sat with an inbox full of bugs that I reported when F17
> came out and now they're being closed as F17 is EOL. Once again,
> several of them don't appear to have even been looked over *at all* by
> the package maintainer. I wonder why I bother sometimes...

I see some typos in a wiki page. I stop what I'm doing for a few
minutes, login to the wiki, fix the page, log out and go back to what
I was doing. Did anyone ever see the change I made? I don't know. Why
did I do it? Because I want to make our little corner of the world

Lots of ways we contribute to Fedora and other projects seem to go
unnoticed. We aren't thanked, often we our efforts aren't acknowledged
in any way. In your case we hope that perhaps it was transfered
without comment upstream where it was fixed later. Why do we continue
contributing? Maybe we get some personal satisfaction from trying to
help. Maybe we just care about making things better and this is what
we can do today.

Don't be discouraged. Every bug reported is a bug that can get fixed.
You made that possible.

And we as a project really do appreciate your bug reports and your
wiki edits and your helping other people on our mailing lists.


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