Is there a way to force an update/upgrade in yum?

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at
Fri Aug 2 00:03:12 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam at> wrote:
> I thought that it was an RPM bug, but it's really a package bug, but it's
> really really something that RPM should handle, but does not, so it should
> really be an RPM bug.

It's definitely an RPM bug, just one that is really, really hard to
fix.  (IIRC it's due to a limitation in cpio, so fixing it would
require changing the format files in RPMs are used to something else,
which is...quite the undertaking.)

Working around it with %pretrans hackery is much, much easier, so thus
it's also a packaging bug if people want it fixed this decade.  ;-)


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