desktop file location

g geleem at
Fri Aug 2 15:11:08 UTC 2013


first off, i am running scientific linux 6.3 with kde 4.3.4 and i asked
this question on the sl list, but, received no answer.

my problem is that for some reason or other, i have now killed off the
desktop by accidentally clicking the "x" that appears in the 'sidebar'
[which may not be proper name] that pops out to right of desktop.

i searched thru files that i thought would be associated with desktop
without finding something related to 'sidebar'.

only way i have found to restore 'sidebar' is by renaming my user name
and creating user again, then copying files over from a backup.

i ran a search of internet with "ixquick", but found nothing related
directly to such.

so, i am hoping that someone on this list can supply answer.



peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

sl6.3 linux



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