turn off bash colored prompts for all users

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Sat Aug 3 06:53:16 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, Joe Zeff <joe at zeff.us> said:
> Which helps if and only if you have a list of them and take the time
> to translate everything yourself.  Putting in comments to make it
> easy to understand would be nice, but at this time, I'll refer you
> to what Rhett Butler said at the end of Gone With The Wind.

The colors in ls come from settings in /etc/DIR_COLORS, which has (and
has had for a long time) many comments describing the colors and which
are assigned to what.

If you don't like, don't want, etc. the colors, that's fine, but to say
they are not documented is wrong.
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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