Problem with udev and ethX naming in latest Fedora 19.

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Thu Aug 15 22:34:22 UTC 2013

On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:54:41 -0700
Ben Greear wrote:

> I'm not actually complaining about their default naming..just the inability
> of udev to over-ride names based on a MAC address *with the new name being ethX*
> instead of fooX.

Yea, me too, especially since the whole "immutable" thing is an absolute
joke. The original biosdevname was updated several times, and in many
of the updates, the "immutable" name changed. This new scheme apparently
uses the exact same algorithms (which broke in all the previous updates),
to invent different names that are "better" in the opinion of the
OCD moron who happened to have git commit rights, but of course
since they are "better" that means they changed once again.

How long will it be before some new developer with a different
case of OCD decides they need to change again? How long will it be before
a new motherboard manufacturer generates some new glitch they need
to fix, which once again changes the "immutable" names.

This would all be so much better if they went ahead and made their stupid
immutable names, but also created the persistent name udev rules to
remember the stupid immutable names and keep them the same across
updates to the algorithms.

This may be one of the more utterly absurd and useless "improvements"
to ever land in linux.

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