Cron job resetting hardware?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Fri Aug 16 10:21:05 UTC 2013

This bug:

has gotten me doing crazy things like setting up my android
camera to take time lapse pictures of the screen every minute
to find out exactly when it happens so I can look in the logs
to see what was going on then :-).

Last night, the screen went funny between 1:16 am and 1:17 am.
In /var/log/messages I found this sort of stuff:

Aug 16 01:17:08 zooty bluetoothd[453]: bluetoothd[453]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.5382 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Aug 16 01:17:08 zooty pulseaudio[17966]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-esound-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed.

Almost like something came around and reset a bunch of
hardware at the same time the screen flaked out (though
I found no messages at all for anything related to the
intel video drivers).

Does anyone know of something that runs in cron (or maybe
systemd) that helpfully resets a lot of hardware nightly?

This whole thing is getting more and more mysterious.

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