BASH and wildcard expansion

Mark Haney mark.haney at
Mon Aug 19 18:56:01 UTC 2013

I've hit a problem I can't quite figure out which a bash script I'm
writing.  I'm trying to copy backup files in the format to an NFS share.  I want to have the script copy
the file with just the date.  In bash I've setup vars that get the current

# Date variables
log_year=`date "+%Y"`
log_month=`date "+%B"`
log_day=`date "+%d"`

# Filename format

The problem is I don't really care about the stuff after the '--'. I.e.
from the CLI I'd just 'ls 2013-August-18--*.zip' to get all the files with
that date in the file name.  How can I do that in a bash script?

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.

Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant
mark.haney at
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