Set default video application -

Bob Goodwin ~ Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at
Tue Aug 20 00:07:40 UTC 2013

On 19/08/13 11:24, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:08:19AM -0400, Bob Goodwin ~ Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
>> How xdg-mime would be used to change this is not obvious to me after reading
>> the man page.
> It is actually not trivial!  I do not think the mimetype argument to
> xdg-mime takes a glob.  This makes it more difficult since now you have
> to set the default for each file type.  Here is a simple example:
> To find out the mimetype of a file:
>    $ xdg-mime query filetype Wait\ until\ dark\ -\ Audrey\ Hepburn.avi
>    video/x-msvideo
> Now you can set the default like this:
>    $ xdg-mime default vlc.desktop video/x-msvideo
> As you can see, you have to repeat this for all file types.  It would be
> simpler if you could just say 'video/*', but I don't think you can.
> If someone knows an easier way to add a class of files in one go, I
> would be very interested to know.
> Hope this helps,

Now I see that XFCE Settings has a "MIME Type Editor" with which it 
appears you can set the desired applications, for each video format in 
this case. I did not know what it was for until now. So I guess I 
learned something from all this.




box10   Fedora-19 Linux/XFCE

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