user creation during installation

Joe Zeff joe at
Thu Aug 22 03:17:05 UTC 2013

On 08/21/2013 05:03 PM, Temlakos wrote:
> The new method, that creates a new non-super user, with Wheel
> privileges, has been a part of Fedora since at least F17.
> The idea is to make logging-in as root...obsolete. I gather most
> developers think it's too dangerous--leaves your system wide-open.

Personally, I prefer not to have wheel because I've been using the root 
password for admin reasons ever since I started using Linux.  The one 
time I tried having wheel, I was a tad confused because it was asking 
for my password, not root's, and as soon as I understood what was 
happening, I took myself out of wheel.  I presume that it's still 
possible to install that way, or at least to set a root password either 
at install, or once you're logged in.  (Needing to use sudo for that may 
be a problem, because I'm in the habit of customizing my install and 
making sure that sudo isn't included because I normally have no use for 
it.)  And, as I've lots of experience needing/using root, I've also 
developed the proper habits of being cautious when working as root, and 
dropping back out of it as soon as appropriate.

I can see the developer's point, however, especially if they're not 
expecting the average Fedora user to have the experience to use root 

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