Fedora 19: FirewallD and network bridge

Mateusz Marzantowicz mmarzantowicz at osdf.com.pl
Fri Aug 23 15:24:02 UTC 2013

I'd like to configure FirewallD to protect qemu/kvm host and maybe
guests but the second one is not so important for me because each guest
has it's own firewall.

What I don't understand is how FirewallD works with network bridges.
Currently, I have bridge (br0) in trusted zone to allow as much traffic
as possible, and p3p1 (which is NIC connected to switch) in public zone.
When I put bridge in public zone I cut off networking from guests.

My question is, should I change rules on bridge or p3p1 and what is the
correlation between them? What should I configure to pass networking
traffic to guests but protect all ports on host system?

Mateusz Marzantowicz

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