LibreOffice FInd/Replace problem

Temlakos temlakos at
Fri Aug 23 22:08:40 UTC 2013


I have a problem I seem unable to solve, and it began after I used Fedup 
to upgrade from F18 to F19.

The problem is with LibreOffice.

No matter what sort of document I open or create, when I use the Find 
and Replace function, it either (a) wont find the search key, or (b) 
will find everything in the document *but* the search key.

I filed a bug about this with the LibreOffice organization.

They told me they couldn't replicate it in Windows, and suggested it was 
a Linux-specific bug.

Now whom do I file this bug with, and against what product, and how 
might I correct this?

I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling a specific module, 
namely LibreOffice Writer, the worst offender. And the problem remains.

Would I gain anything from removing all applications with LibreOffice in 
their name, and installing the LibreOffice suite as one installation 
with as many dependencies as it would find?

I would appreciate any help.


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